Grade 2 News

Procedural Writing in Grade 2!

As part of procedural writing students in Grade 2 students have enjoyed making play dough, paper planes, popcorn and will continue to do more!

Hard work and making in Grade 2!
Hard work and making in Grade 2!
Click images to enlarge

Grade 3 News

Melbourne Museum Excursion

Students Recounts…

On Tuesday the 1st of August the Year 3 students went to the Melbourne Museum as part of their Integrated Studies units of Heating up /Earth and Spinning in Space. Students had the opportunity to investigate interesting scientific information about Earth and our surroundings.

It was very impressive to see all of the grade 3 students cooperate to make the day a wonderful experience for all.

Student feedbacks from Grade 3A are as follows:

At the Melbourne Museum we went to the bug’s exhibition and watched a movie in IMAX about planets. We had so much fun at the Museum.

Neva Nur Aksakkali 3A